Hard-pressed, I would say that I’m resourceful and pretty fearless, ever-so-occasionally selfish, and lucky quite often.
My irregular squad of adventurers is an optimistic, durable bunch — a likeable mixture of jokesters, rule breakers and occasional risk seekers like myself. Most of us are genuinely nice people! Even without much in the way of resources, prior experience, or common sense, we’ve enjoyed considerable amounts of time exploring the outdoors over the years.
I am an amateur at heart, jogging down dusty paths to try and catch the days last rays of light, beat-up gear bouncing against my chest and cursing yet another improvised-tripod disaster. Honestly, there’s nowhere I’d rather be. I take a few thousand photos and process a couple hundred each year. It’s evolved over time but those are my mainstays.

I finally got sick of the “old” heavily modified theme and ditched it in favor of Sahifa, so content and format across the site will be quite irregular until I can get it all sorted out. I hope this new start rids me of some frustrations and gives you, my three readers (hi Dad!), a faster experience.
Keep up the good work!
Love the photos you selected as mainstays. Dad
I love your photos of the Little Colorado River. I would love to take my 4 and 6 year old. Is there any easy access to the beautiful blue water?
Sorry Lisa, I do a poor job of monitoring comments. Salt Trail is the easiest way to reach the blue water, and I would not take my own children down there until they are 8-10 years old, at least.